Hi, Im Leah
Wednesday 13 April 2016, 22:37 ϟ 0 People(s)

Kau kata kau tak ada sifat dengki, kau kata kau tak busuk hati, kau kata semua yang jahat bukan kau ( kau tak la kata macam tu tapi ayat kau membawa maksud itu ) okay sekarang aku nak tanya .

Siapa mula perang dingin ni ?
Siapa suka mengata siapa ?
Siapa aniaya siapa ?
Siapa acacah teraniaya ?
Kau tuhan ?
Sebab yang aku nampak kau suka ambil alih tugas tuhan. Suka suka letak hukum pada orang, suka suka hina orang, suka suka meremehkan orang.

Kau rasa its fun bila you make fun of other people ? is it fun for you ? oh my please grow up please. I know this thing will never end but its not because of me. Ia nya sebab you yang tak pernah cuba untuk bersihkan hati you. Tak guna la if you try hard to change your self and your style if you never change your attitude. Yes at first I yang salah, but look at you now. What do you think about it ? tak rasa lebih teruk dari I ? its gonna be my last time to say, write or think about this matter. Because of what ? because I have my own life. So leave.

* you said kifarah will hits me, I think you are wrong about it. Kifarah hits you because of what you did to me. You are not going to find the peace, happy and love until you learn how to redha with everything that happen in your life.